Fund information
Antares Dividend Builder
Fund description: The Fund is an actively managed portfolio of high yielding equities listed (or expected to be listed) on the Australian share market which aims to deliver regular dividend income and moderate capital growth.
Investment approach: Antares’ strategy is to invest in a diversified portfolio of high yielding Australian listed equities that aim to grow their dividends over time, with an emphasis on securing franked income and minimising portfolio turnover to keep net realised capital gains low.
Antares' investment process will involve the selection and investment in equities so the portfolio targets a forecast dividend yield return that is in the top quartile of the Benchmark.
In general, Antares aims to invest in companies where the current share price does not fully reflect its view of the potential value of each company’s business. Through company contact and detailed financial and non-financial analysis, Antares research analysts gain a first-hand understanding of Australian businesses and the industries in which they operate.
Fund objective The Fund’s primary objective is to regularly deliver higher levels of dividend income on a tax-effective basis than the Benchmark. The Fund’s other objective is to achieve moderate capital growth in a tax-effective manner over rolling five-year periods. APIR code PPL0002AU Inception date 6 September 2005 Benchmark S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index Minimum suggested timeframe
5 years
(Please note this is a guide not a recommendation).
Management fee 0.60% p.a. of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST net of Reduced Input Tax Credit). Performance fee Nil Minimum initial investment $20,000 Minimum additional investment $5,000 Risk level Very high: While the Fund offers investors the potential for higher returns over the long term compared to funds investing in other types of assets such as fixed income or cash, the high level of volatility in the Fund means the likelihood of the value of your investment going down over the short term is relatively very high.
Distribution frequency Quarterly Indicative asset allocation ranges
Australian equities: 90% - 100%
Cash and cash equivalents: 0% -10%Research ratings Lonsec: Investment Grade
Zenith: Approved
The above is just a snapshot of the Trust's terms and features. Further terms and conditions are set out in the Trust's PDS. 0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
Lonsec: The rating issued 10/2024 is published by Lonsec Research Pty Ltd ABN 11 151 658 561 AFSL 421 445 (Lonsec). Ratings are general advice only, and have been prepared without taking account of your objectives, financial situation or needs. Consider your personal circumstances, read the product disclosure statement and seek independent financial advice before investing. The rating is not a recommendation to purchase, sell or hold any product. Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Ratings are subject to change without notice and Lonsec assumes no obligation to update. Lonsec uses objective criteria and receives a fee from the Fund Manager. Visit for ratings information and to access the full report. © 2024 Lonsec. All rights reserved.
Zenith: If you are a financial adviser and would like a copy of the Zenith report, please contact us. The Zenith Investment Partners (ABN 27 103 132 672, AFSL 226872) (‘Zenith’) rating (APIR Code: PPL0002AU, assigned June 2024) referred to in this piece is limited to ‘General Advice’ (s766B Corporations Act 2001) for Wholesale clients only. This advice has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any individual, including target markets of financial products, where applicable, and is subject to change at any time without prior notice. It is not a specific recommendation to purchase, sell or hold the relevant product(s). Investors should seek independent financial advice before making an investment decision and should consider the appropriateness of this advice in light of their own objectives, financial situation and needs. Investors should obtain a copy of, and consider the PDS or offer document before making any decision and refer to the full Zenith Product Assessment available on the Zenith website. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Zenith usually charges the product issuer, fund manager or related party to conduct Product Assessments. Full details regarding Zenith’s methodology, ratings definitions and regulatory compliance are available on our Product Assessments and at Fund Research Regulatory Guidelines.
How to invest
Direct investors
Speak to your financial adviser for more information or invest directly through the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available under Resources.
Speak to your Business Development Manager for more information on available platforms.